Aviation professionals can give back locally and globally in so many useful ways
For those of us with a passion for aviation, giving back is easier than ever. Dozens of excellent nonprofits and charities have their focus in this industry, whether that's in your hometown or on another continent.
All of us at NSL Aerospace value kindness and compassion for our fellow human beings and animals, as well as the environment. We show that through our support of multiple nonprofits in Houston and internationally. We encourage our team and friends to find their own passion and give back all throughout the year.
Here are a few of the aviation charities we admire.
No Do Left Behind began as one dog on an airplane several years ago and has evolved into a team of over 100 volunteers who fly or drive animals from danger to safety free of charge to both the sender and receiver. It transports animals who have run out of time at one shelter to another shelter with the space and resources to spare that animal's life.
Today thousands of animals every year are given a second chance to enrich the lives of the people who adopt them. Each and every one of these life-saving transports is done with a team of volunteer pilots and team members who do this free of charge from their generosity. Get involved today.

This nonprofit encourages the advancement of women in all aviation career fields and interests. Women in Aviation International's diverse membership includes women who work as astronauts, corporate, pilots, maintenance technicians, engineers, air traffic controllers, aviation business owners, educators, journalists, flight attendants, students, air show performers, airport managers, and many others. This helps support and encourage both seasoned professionals as well as women new in the industry and students. There are local chapters around the world, including in our hometown of Houston. Get involved today.
Poaching is threatening rhinos and elephants with extinction in Africa. Air Shepherd has a proven solution that is reversing the march. They combine advanced surveillance drone technology with a team of rangers on the ground to monitor poacher activity. Their drones are electric, silent/invisible, and effective. Since the program launch, they've logged over 5,000 flight hours on 4,000 missions in three countries: South Africa, Malawi, and Zimbabwe. This organization is a part of the Lindbergh Foundation and is quite remarkable. Donate today.

Air Charity Network provides access for people in need who are seeking free air transportation to specialized health care facilities or distant destinations. Participating volunteer pilots use their own aircraft, fuel, and time. In all 50 states, these pilots are flying organ transplant candidates, people involved in clinical trials, chemotherapy or other repetitive treatment, victims of abuse seeking relocation, families receiving help from Ronald McDonald Houses, Shriners Hospitals and many other charities, disabled or sick children to special summer camp programs, and for many other humanitarian reasons. Become a volunteer pilot here.
Above the Clouds is a nonprofit bringing joy and hope through the wonder of flight to children and teens who have a serious illness or disability, are underserved, or facing other serious adversity. Its three programs, Dream Flyers, Cadet Flyers, and Discovery Flyers, inspire children under stress to go after their dreams. Find out how to volunteer in multiple capacities here.