Aviation and air transportation in Russia
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Russia, officially the Russian Federation, is the largest country in the world, spanning Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. With a population of over 146.2 million inhabitants, making it the world's ninth-most populous country. Its capital and largest city is Moscow, which is served by NSL Aerospace.
Aerospace and aviation make contributions to the Russian economy, both before the pandemic and currently. For example, pre-2020, the air transport industry, including airlines and the supply chain, supported about US $19.1 billion of GDP in the Russian Federation. Spending by tourists supported a further US $3.6 billion of the country's GDP, coming to US $22.7 billion and one million jobs, according to the IATA.Many experts are hopeful that 2022 will be a year with recovery in the Russian aviation sector.

NSL Aerospace remains a reliable partner in Russian aerospace and airline industries. We work with Russian airlines, OEMs, chemical management companies, and aircraft MROs of all sizes.
Aviation and Air Transportation in Russia
Russia offers a diverse business environment. Many are in the aviation and aerospace sector. NSL Aerospace ships aircraft sealants to these and many other cities in Russia:
Moscow (Москва)
St. Petersburg (Санкт-Петербург)
Novosibirsk (Новосибирск)
Yekaterinburg (Екатеринбург)
Kazan (Казань)
Nizhny Novgorod (Нижний Новгород)
Chelyabinsk (Челябинск)
Samara (Самара)
Omsk (Омск)
Rostov-on-Don (Ростов-на-Дону)
Ufa (Уфа)
Krasnoyarsk (Красноярск)
Voronezh (Воронеж)
Perm (Пермь)
Volgograd (Волгоград)
DID YOU KNOW? The official date of birth of Russian civil aviation is considered to be February 9, 1923. The Labour and Defence Council of the USSR issued a resolution titled On empowering the Central Air Fleet Administration to handle technical supervision over airlines and on founding the Civil Aviation Council. Luckily, it settled for the much more manageable abbreviation of "The Russian Society for Voluntary Air Fleet," and DOBOROLET was born.
Buy Aviation Sealants in Russia
There are many reasons to choose NSL Aerospace as your international aerospace sealant distribution company. The biggest? We offer help with logistic, regulation, and documentation requirements. This streamlines the export process, including customs and shipping. Get in touch with our International Sales Team experts today at: